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Books to Read: Design of Everyday Things

Alright, buckle up folks, because I'm about to introduce you to a book that will make you look at everyday things in a whole new way. We're talking about "The Design of Everyday Things" by the legendary Don Norman. Now, this book isn't just your average snooze-fest on design principles. No, no. Norman takes us on a wild ride through the wacky world of human-centered design.

Picture this: You're trying to open a door, but instead of finding a handle, you're faced with a perplexing puzzle of buttons, levers, and who knows what. Sounds familiar? Well, Norman gets it. He dives deep into the psychology behind what makes good design, and why some things just make us want to scream in frustration.

But fear not, This book isn't all doom and gloom. Norman teaches us about the concept of affordances, which means the possibilities for action that an object or environment offers. Think of it as the secret language between us and the things we interact with. When design gets it right, it's like a beautiful dance between humans and objects. When it goes wrong, well, it's like trying to salsa with a mop. You get the picture.

Now, Norman doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He shares fascinating examples that will have you giggling and nodding your head in agreement. From the infuriatingly complex VCRs of the past to the mind-bogglingly confusing smartphone interfaces of today, he shows us that design can either make our lives easier or turn us into babbling idiots. So, whether you're a designer looking to up your game, an engineer wanting to avoid the wrath of frustrated users or just someone who loves a good laugh, "The Design of Everyday Things" is the book for you. Norman will have you questioning why on earth someone thought it was a good idea to put a "push" sign on a door that clearly needs to be pulled. Trust me, it's an eye-opening, hilarious journey that will forever change the way you see the world around you.

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